About Us

Philosophy behind the apron

From time immemorial, it is known that the house where the Bar "SARDINA" is currently located, was a building dedicated to some kind of commercial activity.

For example, we know that at one time it was a Post Office "Posta", because in the demolition carried out by our father, Juan GONZALEZ RODRÍGUEZ, in 1970 a mailbox was found.

For many years, the house was dedicated to Bar-Cafeteria, until in 1917 our grandfather, Francisco GONZALEZ PEREZ, acquired the transfer of the business from its owner, for an amount of Pesetas, leaving his former trade of cooper and dedicating himself since then to the hotel business.

In 1920 he married our grandmother Antonia RODRÍGUEZ PEREZ, which is responsible from then on for the preparation of tapas, work that was done in the old wood or coal stoves, and later with the help of his daughters MARIA and ANTONIA GONZALEZ RODRÍGUEZ.

Even at a young age, he takes charge of helping his father, our uncle Diego GONZALEZ RODRÍGUEZ and our father, Juan González, even at school age, starts learning the farrier's trade, which was practiced by his grandfather Diego RODRÍGUEZ RUIZ, and his uncle Pedro RODRÍGUEZ RUIZ.

It should be noted that there were countless anecdotes that took place in our bar during the Spanish Civil War, as it was a place frequented by people of all ideologies.
At this time, in addition to the hardships of the post-war period, our family had to face the fatal death of our young and beloved "títo Diego". It was then that our father, at the age of 16, had to take over the family business, leaving behind his apprenticeship as a farrier.
At an early age our father established a relationship with our mother, Isabel HERRERA CARDENAS. In 1962 they married, and our mother gradually took over the work that our grandmother Antonia had been doing until then.
After the death of our grandfather "Frasquito" in 1961, our father bought the house in C/ Real, nº 2, where the bar was located. Later, in 1967, he demolished the old house and set up a more modern and up-to-date business, in keeping with the times. At this time, we (Pepe, Francisco and Diego GONZALEZ HERRERA) joined our father's business as it grew. Later, in 1987, our father bought the house next to the business, located in C/ Real, nº 4.
In 1997 we joined the two houses and built a typical Andalusian patio.
Ana joined the work of the restaurant, helping our mother Isabel in this task. In 1995 our brother Pepe took a professional cookery course, and did his internship in the best hotels and restaurants on the Costa del Sol, and it was at this point that the already wide variety of tapas in our bar was opened up and we began to operate as a Bar-Restaurant.
In the year 2002 we started the demolition and construction of the new building that houses the Restaurant Bar and Apartments.